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  • Battlefield 2042 at TSF

TSF's Battlefield Division

TSF's Battlefield Division provides a semi-tactical, non-toxic environment for organized BF games. Since 2005 in BF2, we've been playing the objective, having fun, and winning together. We've been one of the larger platoons in the game over the years, a testament to the quality of our community. We're open to all, veteran and newbie alike, who have the right attitude and the drive to achieve their best. With your help, we aim to be the premier gaming community in Battlefield 2042!

Is TSF For You?

Please note, we currently support BF2042 players on:    PC,    Xbox X|S, and    PlayStation 5. Players on those consoles will need to have Discord running while they play in order to communicate and cross-play with our PC players.

To excel in Battlefield, you need enough solid teammates to do more than make progress, but to set the agenda. Your chance to turn the tide of a game and smash through resistance is not a matter of your own skills alone. Many people grab a couple of their buddies and try to run as a squad, which is fine for the average gamer. Those who want to elevate to the next level and dominate need more.

We appreciate that there are lots of platoons and many of them are quite fine. You have many choices and not much advice to go on. If you are one of the top hundred players on the leaderboard, you have top scouts in touch with you all the time. Most gamers aren't that lucky, but do want better tactical gameplay and a chance to achieve more than they can alone.

In TSF, we want all players to learn and master communication and tactics. Everyone has room for improvement. We want all our members to feel at home and be able to join up for enjoyable and challenging games. We want to develop leaders, not only at the squad level, but throughout the team.

Our members come first, and we strive to meet their expectations every day. If you're looking for a competitive experience or you're still learning, we support you. If you're a weekend warrior, or here for the mad-lad "only in Battlefield" moments, you're also at home.

TSF is a multi-game community; a full list of our games is on our home page. We're one of the oldest gaming communities around (learn more about us), so be confident that what you build here will last.

Most of our BF players are in North America and Europe. Those from elsewhere in the world who can play on those servers are also welcomed. Plans for our units are under development, and additional leaders are welcomed to help shape our plans.

We encourage you to join our Discord server and play with some of our members. When you're ready to commit:

  Join TSF Today!