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  • World of Warplanes at TSF

TSF's World of Warplanes Formation

TSF's World of Warplanes Formation has consistently been one of the top teams on the North American server, from the active competition era to the present. Known for our [SF] tag, we continue the tradition of excellence in player training and our continued active community in the game, pioneered by Pigeon_Kicker and the rest of the "dream team." We welcome all NA World of Warplanes players who are seeking reliable teammates and a compelling team environment.

Is TSF For You?

We all appreciate that the game of World of Warplanes is not the most popular game around and it's not the newest either. Our players are here for its continued enjoyment. If you are a North American player of World of Warplanes, please consider joining us. All players are at home here and you don't have to worry about your skill or tier level.

In TSF, we want all players to learn and master communication and tactics. Everyone has room for improvement. We want all our members to feel at home and be able to join up for enjoyable and challenging games. We want to develop leaders, not only at the flight level, but throughout the team.

TSF is a multi-game community; a full list of our games is on our home page. We're one of the oldest gaming communities around (learn more about us), so be confident that what you build here will last.

We encourage you to join our Discord server and play with some of our members. When you're ready to commit:

  Join TSF Today!